8 week online program

Own your Journey


Own your Journey

An 8-week online program, available individually or in groups: for those of you who are longing to live life on your terms and are ready to take the driver's seat. The program combines coaching with well-established self-leadership tools and techniques. You work at your own pace with a coach by your side to support you every step of the way.

From the back seat to the front seat

  • Do you crave the energy to enjoy life after work?
  • Do you fear falling short and disappointing others if you slow down?
  • Do you say YES when your calendar is screaming NO?
  • Are you fed up with that nagging voice in your head telling you what you should and shouldn't do?

Will you last in the long run?

Maybe you're sensing that your current way of living won't last over time; that perhaps YOU won't last over time.

  • The joy of ticking off everything on your to-do list fades away as quickly as the list refills.
  • You only rest and recharge when you spontaneously happen to find time for it.
  • You realize that taking on another work project at the expense of having no energy for other things you enjoy won't make you happier.

Design your own journey

'Own Your Journey' is your guide from confusion to clarity. It empowers you to move from the back seat to the driver's seat of your life. No more driving into dead ends or getting lost on back roads.

Instead, you’ll uncover the destination you truly aim for, a clear sense of direction, and can design your own roadmap to get there.


 I am a certified ICF coach with 25 years of experience in communication and leadership. The life I lead is grounded in my values, allows me to function through my priorities, and enables me to sustainably take care of my body and mind. That’s how I'm on a journey I love.

Are you ready to create yours?
Let me guide you there.

Own your Journey is for those of you who:

  • Have an active and busy life both on the personal and professional level. 
  • Desire to have more energy for the things that make them happy. 
  • Put the needs of others before their own and often neglect self-care.
  • Struggle to say no without feeling guilty.
  • Feel they've lost themselves along the way and sometimes wonder what they truly want.
  • Feel frustrated by investing time in tips from podcasts, influencers, and books without seeing noticeable changes.

”“It feels as if it’s no longer circumstances steering my life, but it’s me, in a more conscious way. I have found my ’contours’ and it feels good to have landed in that it is not important what other people think”.



Communication Leader


After 8 weeks you'll have:

  • A deeper self-awareness and knowledge about what really matters to you.
  • A foundation of good habits benefiting you both physically and mentally (yes, they're connected).
  • Tools to shift your negative thoughts into positive and constructive ones.
  • More energy for life beyond work.
  • A roadmap for your journey ahead, with clear and actionable steps toward your desired destination.
  • A toolbox enabling you to lead yourself more sustainably.

“I'm not as hard on myself anymore and have gotten better at not taking the blame for other people's feelings. I’m able to consciously choose to handle situations differently”.



Studio Manager

Content of the program

"Own Your Journey" is a blend of coaching and well-established methods and tools for self-leadership. You get to work at your own pace with various exercises, and we meet every other week for coaching.

The program spans 8 weeks, during which you’ll build a solid foundation for self-leadership. This includes gaining deeper self-insight and practical tools to establish concrete habits to lead yourself on YOUR journey towards what YOU want in a way that helps you last in the long run.

All of this is done in a simple, accessible, and action-oriented manner - requiring just 20 minutes a day, plus the time for our coaching calls.

I’ll also be here, by your side, to support you every step of the way -  I want you to succeed!

Step by step we will work on:

  • Your values and what's truly important to you.
  • How to replenish your energy in ways that suit you.
  • Becoming aware of your thoughts and how they affect you.
  • Training your thoughts to be helpful and not harmful.
  • Strengthening your positive self-talk.
  • Identifying what you want more (and less!) of in life, and how to say yes to that without feeling selfish.
  • Finding healthy habits that help you have enough energy for all areas of life – not just work.
  • Getting clear on what you want from life, drawing the roadmap to get you there.
  • Trying out different tools and methods for your own toolbox going forward.

“I feel empowered in so many ways. I reached further than I thought!
I feel calmer and more confident in myself, and more positive”.



Graphic Designer


Own your Journey

Each week focuses on a specific theme. The exercises are designed to help you reflect and deepen your self-awareness, as well as introduce techniques and habits to help you towards the changes you want to make.

In the first part of the program, we work with your foundation: your values, emotional systems, and inner resources - and how you can effectively use and put these into practice.

We also focus on the three cornerstones of your sustainable self: how you eat, sleep, and move.

In the second part of the program, we assess your current situation and look toward the future. What do you want to change, and how can you do it?

You will create a concrete, action-oriented roadmap for your journey forward. By the end of the program, you will have a clear understanding of what needs to be done and how to do it.

Throughout the program, you will experiment with various tools and techniques to find calm, balance, and clarity.

Some may resonate more with you than others, and that's okay; we all have different preferences. You will have the freedom to choose which tools you want to incorporate into your life after the program, discovering what works best for you.

Individually or in a small group? That's entirely up to you.

Own your Journey – individually

8-week individual online program, with 1:1 coaching. 

Next start October 2024.

A user-friendly app where you have all the materials, plus me, as your coach in a pocket.

Videos, worksheets, and tools that strengthen your self-leadership, so you can create the everyday life (and future!) that you are longing for.

4 individual coaching sessions with me.

A “travel diary” to document progress, increase self-awareness and support new habits.

6 months of continued access to the platform + support for further questions.

Investment: EUR 1390

Own your Journey – in a small group

8-week individual online program, with group support. 

Next start October 2024. 

A user-friendly app where you have all the materials, plus me, as your coach in a pocket.

Videos, worksheets, and tools that strengthen your self-leadership, so you can create the everyday life (and future!) that you are longing for.

1 individual coaching session with me.

3 group sessions with other participants.

A “travel diary” to document progress, increase self-awareness and support new habits.

6 months of continued access to the platform + support for further questions.

Investment: EUR 990

Common questions about Own your Journey

Around 15-20 minutes a day, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. Can you imagine swapping 20 minutes of scrolling on your phone for this? Great! Then you have the time.

You can do the exercises whenever it suits you. Each week focuses on a different theme, with the material and exercises released at a pace that allows you to invest the necessary time for each part.

I will be your coach during these weeks to guide and support you (and even push a bit if needed).

In the group program, we have one individual coaching session and three group sessions where you can ask questions and think out loud with others. There’s also a community feature in the app.

In the individual version, you get four individual coaching sessions with me.

I’m also available via email and direct message for support. I want you to succeed and I'm here for you! 

You will have gained clarity on what is truly important to you in life. You will have practical tools and concrete habits that allow you to shape your life, to literally own your journey, with more conscious choices that are in line with your wishes and dreams.

You will have access to the platform for another six months after the program ends, and I will continue to support you with quick questions via messages and email.

It's quite a mix! Most of them are active, ambitious women who care about both their career and their life outside work. The youngest has been 26, the oldest is soon to turn 60.

The common denominator is that they want to make wiser choices for themselves and find strategies and methods to do so. They think it's time to prioritize themselves, live more like they want to and thus feel happier and more satisfied with life.

Do you know someone you would like to join the program with? By joining together with someone you know, you can support each other and help to hold each other accountable for moving forward.

It varies. This is what some previous participants have said:

"I want to find peace within myself and not wander around in my mind so much. To feel at ease with having a direction that guides me in my choices. To know what I want to spend my time on both privately and in my free time."

"I want to feel like I'm fitting in the “pieces of the pie” in life that are important - without feeling constantly guilty in different directions (including for myself...)."

"I want to find a passion outside of work. I want to not care so much when I think something is being done wrong. Be generally more happy and energized."

About your coach

I've walked in the same shoes as you and felt the same way. 

Looking back, I realize I should have acted sooner to stop draining my own energy. Back then, however, I didn't fully recognize the unhealthy spiral I was in since I'd always preferred to keep going and stay busy and engaged.

Today, I think and choose differently. The energy is back, and I now find it much easier to say no to certain things while confidently knowing what I want to say yes to. 

I've invested time in understanding my values, setting my priorities, and learning how to sustainably care for my body and mind. I'm driving on a road I like, and the journey is now truly fulfilling.

Besides being a certified ICF coach with 25 years of experience in communication and leadership, I am married and have three teenage children. I live in Malmö, where I lead group training sessions at Friskis & Svettis. Fun fact: I love popcorn and salty licorice!


I´m interested! Where do we go from here?

Happy to hear you're curious about Own Your Journey! To get started, simply fill in the boxes here and submit the form. This step is to express your interest, and you're not committing to anything.

After receiving your form, I'll reach out to you. My goal is to understand the challenges you're facing and what you want for yourself, so I'll send you a few questions and a link to book a half-hour connection call. In this call we explore if the program is the right fit for you, and if the individual or the group version would suit you best. I also want you to feel comfortable with me as your coach, making sure we both feel we're a good "match". 

I coach in English and Swedish, feel free to use whichever of the languages that you feel most comfortable with.

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GrowU — Communication, Leadership and Coaching

I work with both companies and private clients. GrowU is based in Malmö, but we'll meet where it suits you: online or on site. My services reach where Zoom reaches (and where trains go. Or cars. Or flights).

I work as easily in English as in Swedish - thank you IKEA for 17 years in global positions - and I strongly believe in coaching as a powerful method of creating both results and learning.